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美国CIRS 068胎儿体模


产品描述:深圳市湾边贸易公司进口美国CIRS 068胎儿体模,CIRS 068模体

美国CIRS 068胎儿体模,CIRS 068模体,美国CIRS 068模体详细说明
美国CIRS 068胎儿体模,CIRS 068模体,美国CIRS 068模体用于胎儿超声检查的测试体模

深圳市湾边贸易公司进口美国CIRS 068胎儿体模,CIRS 068模体


The Model 068 contains an asymmetric head with upper portion of the skull, right and left brain lobes and lateral and third ventricles. These anatomical references are used to measure the biparietal diameter (BPD) and anterior/posterior diameter (APD). Right and left femoral shafts with distal epiphysis are provided for femur length (FL) measurements. An umbilical marker indicates proper position for taking abdominal circumference (AC). Crown-Rump length (CRL) can also be taken. In addition, the model has full facial details making it suitable for demonstrating multi-dimensional systems and assessment of fetal anomalies.

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